20 lines
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20 lines
18 KiB
* @preserve
* @module iframe-resizer/parent 5.1.5 (umd) - 2024-07-09
* @license GPL-3.0 for non-commercial use only.
* For commercial use, you must purchase a license from
* https://iframe-resizer.com/pricing
* @desciption Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content
* @author David J. Bradshaw <info@iframe-resizer.com>
* @see {@link https://iframe-resizer.com}
* @copyright (c) 2013 - 2024, David J. Bradshaw. All rights reserved.
!function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).iframeResize = t() }(this, (function () { "use strict"; const e = "[iframe-resizer]"; const t = t => `${e}[${function (e) { return window.top === window.self ? `Parent page: ${e}` : window?.parentIFrame?.getId ? `${window.parentIFrame.getId()}: ${e}` : `Nested parent page: ${e}` }(t)}]`, i = (e, i, ...n) => window?.console[e](t(i), ...n), n = (e, ...t) => i("warn", e, ...t), o = (t, i) => console?.warn((e => t => window.chrome ? e(t.replaceAll("<br>", "\n").replaceAll("<rb>", "[31;1m").replaceAll("</>", "[m").replaceAll("<b>", "[1m").replaceAll("<i>", "[3m").replaceAll("<u>", "[4m")) : e(t.replaceAll("<br>", "\n").replaceAll(/<[/a-z]+>/gi, "")))((t => (...i) => [`${e}[${t}]`, ...i].join(" "))(t))(i)), r = "5.1.5", a = "[iFrameSizer]", s = a.length, l = Object.freeze({ max: 1, scroll: 1, bodyScroll: 1, documentElementScroll: 1 }), c = (e, t, i, n) => e.addEventListener(t, i, n || !1), d = (e, t, i) => e.removeEventListener(t, i, !1), u = e => { if (!e) return ""; let t = -559038744, i = 1103547984; for (let n, o = 0; o < e.length; o++)n = e.codePointAt(o), t = Math.imul(t ^ n, 2246822519), i = Math.imul(i ^ n, 3266489917); return t ^= Math.imul(t ^ i >>> 15, 1935289751), i ^= Math.imul(i ^ t >>> 15, 3405138345), t ^= i >>> 16, i ^= t >>> 16, (2097152 * (i >>> 0) + (t >>> 11)).toString(36) }, f = e => e.replaceAll(/[A-Za-z]/g, (e => String.fromCodePoint((e <= "Z" ? 90 : 122) >= (e = e.codePointAt(0) + 19) ? e : e - 26))), p = ["<iy><yi>Puchspk Spjluzl Rlf</><iy><iy>", "<iy><yi>Tpzzpun Spjluzl Rlf</><iy><iy>", "Aopz spiyhyf pz hchpshisl dpao ivao Jvttlyjphs huk Vwlu-Zvbyjl spjluzlz.<iy><iy><i>Jvttlyjphs Spjluzl</><iy>Mvy jvttlyjphs bzl, <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> ylxbpylz h svd jvza vul aptl spjluzl mll. Mvy tvyl pumvythapvu cpzpa <b>oaawz://pmyhtl-ylzpgly.jvt/wypjpun</>.<iy><iy><i>Vwlu Zvbyjl Spjluzl</><iy>Pm fvb hyl bzpun aopz spiyhyf pu h uvu-jvttlyjphs vwlu zvbyjl wyvqlja aolu fvb jhu bzl pa mvy myll bukly aol alytz vm aol NWS C3 Spjluzl. Av jvumpyt fvb hjjlwa aolzl alytz, wslhzl zla aol <i>spjluzl</> rlf pu <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> vwapvuz av <i>NWSc3</>.<iy><iy>Mvy tvyl pumvythapvu wslhzl zll: <b>oaawz://pmyhtl-ylzpgly.jvt/nws</>", "<i>NWSc3 Spjluzl Clyzpvu</><iy><iy>Aopz clyzpvu vm <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> pz ilpun bzlk bukly aol alytz vm aol <i>NWS C3</> spjluzl. Aopz spjluzl hssvdz fvb av bzl <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> pu Vwlu Zvbyjl wyvqljaz, iba pa ylxbpylz fvby wyvqlja av il wbispj, wyvcpkl haaypibapvu huk il spjluzlk bukly clyzpvu 3 vy shaly vm aol NUB Nlulyhs Wbispj Spjluzl.<iy><iy>Pm fvb hyl bzpun aopz spiyhyf pu h uvu-vwlu zvbyjl wyvqlja vy dlizpal, fvb dpss ullk av wbyjohzl h svd jvza vul aptl jvttlyjphs spjluzl.<iy><iy>Mvy tvyl pumvythapvu cpzpa <b>oaawz://pmyhtl-ylzpgly.jvt/wypjpun</>."], m = ["NWSc3", "zvsv", "wyv", "ibzpulzz", "vlt"], h = Object.fromEntries(["2cgs7fdf4xb", "1c9ctcccr4z", "1q2pc4eebgb", "ueokt0969w", "w2zxchhgqz", "1umuxblj2e5"].map(((e, t) => [e, Math.max(0, t - 1)]))), y = e => f(p[e]), g = e => { const t = e[f("spjluzl")]; if (!t) return -1; const i = t.split("-"); let n = function (e = "") { let t = -2; const i = u(f(e)); return i in h && (t = h[i]), t }(i[0]); return 0 === n || (e => e[2] === u(e[0] + e[1]))(i) || (n = -2), n }, w = {}, b = Object.freeze({ autoResize: !0, bodyBackground: null, bodyMargin: null, bodyPadding: null, checkOrigin: !0, direction: "vertical", inPageLinks: !1, heightCalculationMethod: "auto", id: "iFrameResizer", log: !1, license: void 0, mouseEvents: !0, offsetHeight: null, offsetWidth: null, postMessageTarget: null, sameDomain: !1, scrolling: !1, sizeHeight: !0, sizeWidth: !1, warningTimeout: 5e3, tolerance: 0, waitForLoad: !1, widthCalculationMethod: "auto", onClose: () => !0, onClosed() { }, onInit: !1, onMessage: null, onMouseEnter() { }, onMouseLeave() { }, onReady: e => { "function" == typeof w[e.id].onInit && (o(e.id, "\n[31;1mDeprecated Option[m\n\nThe [1monInit()[m function is deprecated and has been replaced with [1monReady()[m. It will be removed in a future version of iFrame Resizer.\n "), w[e.id].onInit(e)) }, onResized() { }, onScroll: () => !0 }), v = { position: null, version: r }; function z(e) { function t() { x(H), M(), C("onResized", H) } function i(e) { if ("border-box" !== e.boxSizing) return 0; return (e.paddingTop ? parseInt(e.paddingTop, 10) : 0) + (e.paddingBottom ? parseInt(e.paddingBottom, 10) : 0) } function l(e) { if ("border-box" !== e.boxSizing) return 0; return (e.borderTopWidth ? parseInt(e.borderTopWidth, 10) : 0) + (e.borderBottomWidth ? parseInt(e.borderBottomWidth, 10) : 0) } function u(e) { return L.slice(L.indexOf(":") + 7 + e) } const f = (e, t) => (i, n) => { const o = {}; var r, a; r = function () { S(`Send ${e} (${i})`, `${e}:${t()}`, n) }, o[a = n] || (r(), o[a] = requestAnimationFrame((() => { o[a] = null }))) }, p = (e, t) => () => { const i = t => () => { w[r] ? e(t, r) : o() }; function n(e, t) { t(window, "scroll", i("scroll")), t(window, "resize", i("resize window")) } function o() { n(0, d), a.disconnect(), s.disconnect() } const r = P, a = new ResizeObserver(i("page observed")), s = new ResizeObserver(i("iframe observed")); n(0, c), a.observe(document.body, { attributes: !0, childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), s.observe(w[r].iframe, { attributes: !0, childList: !1, subtree: !1 }), w[r] && (w[r][`stop${t}`] = o) }, m = e => () => { e in w[P] && (w[P][e](), delete w[P][e]) }, h = f("pageInfo", (function () { const e = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(), t = H.iframe.getBoundingClientRect(), { scrollY: i, scrollX: n, innerHeight: o, innerWidth: r } = window, { clientHeight: a, clientWidth: s } = document.documentElement; return JSON.stringify({ iframeHeight: t.height, iframeWidth: t.width, clientHeight: Math.max(a, o || 0), clientWidth: Math.max(s, r || 0), offsetTop: parseInt(t.top - e.top, 10), offsetLeft: parseInt(t.left - e.left, 10), scrollTop: i, scrollLeft: n, documentHeight: a, documentWidth: s, windowHeight: o, windowWidth: r }) })), y = f("parentInfo", (function () { const { iframe: e } = H, { scrollWidth: t, scrollHeight: i } = document.documentElement, { width: n, height: o, offsetLeft: r, offsetTop: a, pageLeft: s, pageTop: l, scale: c } = window.visualViewport; return JSON.stringify({ iframe: e.getBoundingClientRect(), document: { scrollWidth: t, scrollHeight: i }, viewport: { width: n, height: o, offsetLeft: r, offsetTop: a, pageLeft: s, pageTop: l, scale: c } }) })), g = p(h, "PageInfo"), b = p(y, "ParentInfo"), z = m("stopPageInfo"), T = m("stopParentInfo"); function W(e) { const t = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return $(), { x: Number(t.left) + Number(v.position.x), y: Number(t.top) + Number(v.position.y) } } function F(e) { const t = e ? W(H.iframe) : { x: 0, y: 0 }; let i = ((e, t) => ({ x: e.width + t.x, y: e.height + t.y }))(H, t); window.top === window.self ? (v.position = i, O(P)) : window.parentIFrame ? window.parentIFrame["scrollTo" + (e ? "Offset" : "")](i.x, i.y) : n(P, "Unable to scroll to requested position, window.parentIFrame not found") } function O(e) { const { x: t, y: i } = v.position, n = w[e]?.iframe; !1 !== C("onScroll", { iframe: n, top: i, left: t, x: t, y: i }) ? M() : R() } function A(e) { let t = {}; if (0 === H.width && 0 === H.height) { const e = u(9).split(":"); t = { x: e[1], y: e[0] } } else t = { x: H.width, y: H.height }; C(e, { iframe: H.iframe, screenX: Number(t.x), screenY: Number(t.y), type: H.type }) } const C = (e, t) => j(P, e, t); let L = e.data, H = {}, P = null; "[iFrameResizerChild]Ready" !== L ? a === `${L}`.slice(0, s) && L.slice(s).split(":")[0] in w && (H = function () { const e = L.slice(s).split(":"), t = e[1] ? Number(e[1]) : 0, n = w[e[0]]?.iframe, o = getComputedStyle(n); return { iframe: n, id: e[0], height: t + i(o) + l(o), width: Number(e[2]), type: e[3], msg: e[4] } }(), P = H.id, P ? (function (e) { if (!w[e]) throw new Error(`${H.type} No settings for ${e}. Message was: ${L}`) }(P), H.type in { true: 1, false: 1, undefined: 1 } || (w[P].loaded = !0, function () { let e = !0; return null === H.iframe && (n(P, `The iframe (${H.id}) was not found.`), e = !1), e }() && function () { const { origin: t, sameDomain: i } = e; if (i) return !0; let n = w[P]?.checkOrigin; if (n && "null" != `${t}` && !(n.constructor === Array ? function () { let e = 0, i = !1; for (; e < n.length; e++)if (n[e] === t) { i = !0; break } return i }() : function () { const e = w[P]?.remoteHost; return t === e }())) throw new Error(`Unexpected message received from: ${t} for ${H.iframe.id}. Message was: ${e.data}. This error can be disabled by setting the checkOrigin: false option or by providing of array of trusted domains.`); return !0 }() && function () { switch (w[P]?.firstRun && w[P] && (w[P].firstRun = !1), H.type) { case "close": k(H.iframe); break; case "message": i = u(6), C("onMessage", { iframe: H.iframe, message: JSON.parse(i) }); break; case "mouseenter": A("onMouseEnter"); break; case "mouseleave": A("onMouseLeave"); break; case "autoResize": w[P].autoResize = JSON.parse(u(9)); break; case "scrollBy": !function () { const e = H.width, t = H.height; (window.parentIframe || window).scrollBy(e, t) }(); break; case "scrollTo": F(!1); break; case "scrollToOffset": F(!0); break; case "pageInfo": h("start", P), g(); break; case "parentInfo": y("start", P), b(); break; case "pageInfoStop": z(); break; case "parentInfoStop": T(); break; case "inPageLink": !function (e) { const t = e.split("#")[1] || "", i = decodeURIComponent(t); let n = document.getElementById(i) || document.getElementsByName(i)[0]; n ? function () { const e = W(n); v.position = { x: e.x, y: e.y }, O(P) }() : window.top !== window.self && window.parentIFrame && window.parentIFrame.moveToAnchor(t) }(u(9)); break; case "title": !function (e, t) { w[t]?.syncTitle && (w[t].iframe.title = e) }(H.msg, P); break; case "reset": I(H); break; case "init": t(), function (e) { try { w[e].sameDomain = !!w[e]?.iframe?.contentWindow?.iframeChildListener } catch (t) { w[e].sameDomain = !1 } }(P), (e = H.msg) !== r && (void 0 !== e || o(P, "<rb>Legacy version detected in iframe</>\n\nDetected legacy version of child page script. It is recommended to update the page in the iframe to use <b>@iframe-resizer/child</>.\n\nSee <u>https://iframe-resizer.com/setup/#child-page-setup</> for more details.\n")), N = !0, C("onReady", H.iframe); break; default: if (0 === H.width && 0 === H.height) return void n(`Unsupported message received (${H.type}), this is likely due to the iframe containing a later version of iframe-resizer than the parent page`); if (0 === H.width || 0 === H.height) return; if (document.hidden) return; t() }var e, i }())) : n("iframeResizer received messageData without id, message was: ", L)) : Object.keys(w).forEach((e => { w[e].mode >= 0 && S("iFrame requested init", E(e), e) })) } function j(e, t, i) { let n = null, o = null; if (w[e]) { if (n = w[e][t], "function" != typeof n) throw new TypeError(`${t} on iFrame[${e}] is not a function`); o = n(i) } return o } function T(e) { const t = e.id; delete w[t] } function k(e) { const t = e.id; if (!1 !== j(t, "onClose", t)) { try { e.parentNode && e.remove() } catch (e) { n(e) } j(t, "onClosed", t), T(e) } } function $(e) { null === v.position && (v.position = { x: window.scrollX, y: window.scrollY }) } function R() { v.position = null } function M(e) { null !== v.position && (window.scrollTo(v.position.x, v.position.y), R()) } function I(e) { $(e.id), x(e), S("reset", "reset", e.id) } function x(e) { const t = e.id; function i(t) { const i = `${e[t]}px`; e.iframe.style[t] = i } w[t].sizeHeight && i("height"), w[t].sizeWidth && i("width") } function S(e, t, i, r) { w[i] && (w[i]?.postMessageTarget ? function () { const { postMessageTarget: e, targetOrigin: n } = w[i]; if (w[i].sameDomain) try { return void w[i].iframe.contentWindow.iframeChildListener(a + t) } catch (e) { } e.postMessage(a + t, n) }() : n(i, `[${e}] IFrame(${i}) not found`), r && w[i]?.warningTimeout && (w[i].msgTimeout = setTimeout((function () { void 0 !== w[i] && (w[i].loaded || w[i].loadErrorShown || (w[i].loadErrorShown = !0, o(i, `\n<rb>No response from iFrame</>\n \nThe iframe (<i>${i}</>) has not responded within ${w[i].warningTimeout / 1e3} seconds. Check <b>@iframe-resizer/child</> package has been loaded in the iframe.\n\nThis message can be ignored if everything is working, or you can set the <b>warningTimeout</> option to a higher value or zero to suppress this warning.\n`))) }), w[i].warningTimeout))) } function E(e) { const t = w[e]; return [e, "8", t.sizeWidth, t.log, "32", !0, t.autoResize, t.bodyMargin, t.heightCalculationMethod, t.bodyBackground, t.bodyPadding, t.tolerance, t.inPageLinks, "child", t.widthCalculationMethod, t.mouseEvents, t.offsetHeight, t.offsetWidth, t.sizeHeight, t.license, v.version, t.mode].join(":") } let W = 0, N = !1, F = !1; const O = e => t => { function a(e) { if (!e) return {}; if ("object" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Options is not an object"); return ("sizeWidth" in e || "sizeHeight" in e || "autoResize" in e) && o(d, '<rb>Deprecated Option</>\n\nThe <b>sizeWidth</>, <b>sizeHeight</> and <b>autoResize</> options have been replaced with new <b>direction</> option which expects values of <i>"vertical"</>, <i>"horizontal"</> or <i>"horizontal"</>.\n'), e } function s(e) { const t = w[e]?.iframe?.title; return "" === t || void 0 === t } const d = function (i) { if (i && "string" != typeof i) throw new TypeError("Invalid id for iFrame. Expected String"); return "" !== i && i || (t.id = i = function () { let t = e?.id || b.id + W++; return null !== document.getElementById(t) && (t += W++), t }(), (e || {}).log), i }(t.id); return d in w && "iFrameResizer" in t ? n(d, "Ignored iFrame, already setup.") : (function (e) { var i, n; w[d] = { iframe: t, firstRun: !0, remoteHost: t?.src.split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/"), ...b, ...a(e), mode: g(e), syncTitle: s(d) }, function () { if ("horizontal" === w[d].direction) return w[d].sizeWidth = !0, void (w[d].sizeHeight = !1); if ("none" === w[d].direction) return w[d].sizeWidth = !1, w[d].sizeHeight = !1, void (w[d].autoResize = !1); if ("vertical" !== w[d].direction) throw new TypeError(d, `Direction value of "${w[d].direction}" is not valid`) }(), i = e?.offset, i && ("vertical" === w[d].direction ? w[d].offsetHeight = i : w[d].offsetWidth = i), null === w[d].postMessageTarget && (w[d].postMessageTarget = t.contentWindow), w[d].targetOrigin = !0 === w[d].checkOrigin ? "" === (n = w[d].remoteHost) || null !== n.match(/^(about:blank|javascript:|file:\/\/)/) ? "*" : n : "*" }(e), function () { const { mode: e } = w[d]; e < 0 && o("Parent", `${y(e + 2)}${y(2)}`), F || e < 0 || (F = !0, ((e, ...t) => { i("info", e, ...t) })(`v${r} (${(e => f(m[e]))(e)})`), e < 1 && o("Parent", y(3))) }(), C(), function () { switch (t.style.overflow = !1 === w[d]?.scrolling ? "hidden" : "auto", w[d]?.scrolling) { case "omit": break; case !0: t.scrolling = "yes"; break; case !1: t.scrolling = "no"; break; default: t.scrolling = w[d] ? w[d].scrolling : "no" } }(), function () { const { bodyMargin: e } = w[d]; "number" != typeof e && "0" !== e || (w[d].bodyMargin = `${e}px`) }(), function (e) { const { id: i } = t; -1 !== w[i].mode && -2 !== w[i].mode && (c(t, "load", (function () { S("iFrame.onload", `${e}:${N}`, i, !0), function () { const e = w[d]?.firstRun, i = w[d]?.heightCalculationMethod in l; !e && i && I({ iframe: t, height: 0, width: 0, type: "init" }) }() })), !1 === w[i].waitForLoad && S("init", `${e}:${N}`, i, !0)) }(E(d)), function () { if (w[d]) { const e = { close: k.bind(null, w[d].iframe), disconnect: T.bind(null, w[d].iframe), removeListeners() { o(d, "\n<rb>Deprecated Method Name</>\n\nThe [removeListeners()</> method has been renamed to [disconnect()</>.\n"), this.disconnect() }, resize: S.bind(null, "Window resize", "resize", d), moveToAnchor(e) { S("Move to anchor", `moveToAnchor:${e}`, d) }, sendMessage(e) { S("Send Message", `message:${e = JSON.stringify(e)}`, d) } }; w[d].iframe.iframeResizer = e, w[d].iframe.iFrameResizer = e } }()), t?.iFrameResizer }; function A() { !1 === document.hidden && function (e, t) { const i = e => w[e]?.autoResize && !w[e]?.firstRun; Object.keys(w).forEach((function (n) { i(n) && S(e, t, n) })) }("Tab Visible", "resize") } const C = (e => { let t = !1; return function () { return t ? void 0 : (t = !0, Reflect.apply(e, this, arguments)) } })((() => { c(window, "message", z), c(document, "visibilitychange", A), window.iframeParentListener = e => z({ data: e, sameDomain: !0 }) })), L = "[iframeResizer] "; const H = function () { function e(e) { switch (!0) { case !e: throw new TypeError(`${L}iframe is not defined`); case !e.tagName: throw new TypeError(`${L}Not a valid DOM element`); case "IFRAME" !== e.tagName.toUpperCase(): throw new TypeError(`${L}Expected <IFRAME> tag, found <${e.tagName}>`); default: t(e), i.push(e) } } let t, i; return function (n, o) { if ("undefined" == typeof window) return []; switch (t = O(n), i = [], typeof o) { case "undefined": case "string": document.querySelectorAll(o || "iframe").forEach(e); break; case "object": e(o); break; default: throw new TypeError(`${L}Unexpected data type (${typeof o})`) }return Object.freeze(i) } }(); return "undefined" != typeof window && (window.iFrameResize = function (...e) { o("", "Deprecated: iFrameResize(), please use iframeResize()"), H(...e) }), H })); |