might still need some work/testing Also, should I add pastes in the feed?
142 lines
5.1 KiB
142 lines
5.1 KiB
@page "/editProfile"
@inject NavigationManager Nav
@inject ApiService api
@inject State State
@inject IJSRuntime JS
<div class="max markdown-editor">
@if (markdownValue != null)
<MarkdownEditor @ref="Editor"
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Bold" Icon="fa-solid fa-bold" Title="Bold" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Italic" Icon="fa-solid fa-italic" Title="Italic" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Heading" Icon="fa-solid fa-heading" Title="Heading" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Code" Icon="fa-solid fa-code" Title="Code" Separator="true" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Quote" Icon="fa-solid fa-quote-left" Title="Quote" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.UnorderedList" Icon="fa-solid fa-list-ul" Title="Unordered List" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.OrderedList" Icon="fa-solid fa-list-ol" Title="Ordered List" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Link" Icon="fa-solid fa-link" Title="Link" Separator="true" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Image" Icon="fa-solid fa-image" Title="Image" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.HorizontalRule" Icon="fa-solid fa-horizontal-rule" Title="Horizontal Rule" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Guide" Icon="fa-solid fa-circle-question" Title="Guide" Separator="true" />
<MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Custom" Icon="omg-icon omg-prami" Title="Editor Information" Name="Help" />
@if (markdownValue != null)
<details id="advanced">
<summary> Advanced </summary>
<div class="row bottom-margin">
<ThemeDialog id="theme-modal" onthemechanged="ThemeChanged"></ThemeDialog>
<a data-ui="#theme-modal" class="row min" style="text-decoration:none;">
@if(selectedTheme != null) {
<ThemeCard theme="selectedTheme"></ThemeCard>
else {
<button>Choose a theme</button>
<small>Style you include here will be places in a <style> element in your page’s <head>.</small>
<div class="field textarea label border max">
<InputTextArea @bind-Value="css"></InputTextArea>
<label>Custom CSS</label>
<small>Anything you put here will be included in your page’s <head> element.</small>
<div class="field textarea label border max">
<InputTextArea @bind-Value="head"></InputTextArea>
<label>Additional <head> Content</label>
<div class="max"></div>
<button class="transparent link" onclick="history.back();" disabled="@loading">Cancel</button>
<button @onclick="Save" disabled="@loading">
@if (loading) {
else {
<i class="fa-solid fa-floppy-disk"></i> <span>Save & Publish</span>
@code {
private MarkdownEditor? Editor;
private string? markdownValue;
private string? css;
private string? head;
private string? theme;
private Theme? selectedTheme;
private Dictionary<string, Theme>? themes;
private bool loading = true;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
ProfileResponseData? data = await api.GetProfile(State.SelectedAddressName!);
if (data != null) {
markdownValue = data.Content;
css = data.Css;
head = data.Head;
theme = data.Theme;
themes = await State.GetThemes();
selectedTheme = themes?[theme];
loading = false;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
await Editor!.SetValueAsync(markdownValue);
loading = false;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
Task OnMarkdownValueChanged(string value) {
return Task.CompletedTask;
public async Task Save() {
loading = true;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
var result = await api.PostProfile(State.SelectedAddressName!,
new PostProfile() {
Content = markdownValue ?? string.Empty,
Css = string.IsNullOrEmpty(css) ? null : css,
Head = string.IsNullOrEmpty(head) ? null : head,
Theme = string.IsNullOrEmpty(theme) ? null : theme
if (result != null) {
await State.RefreshNow();
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
loading = false;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
public async Task OnCustomButtonClicked(MarkdownButtonEventArgs eventArgs) {
if (eventArgs.Name == "Help") {
await JS.InvokeVoidAsync("open", "https://home.omg.lol/info/editor", "_blank");
public void ThemeChanged(Theme? _theme) {
theme = _theme?.Id;
selectedTheme = _theme;