Gordon Pedersen
Unfortunately it does not refresh at first login. Have to figure out how to make it refresh
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@inject CustomAuthenticationStateProvider AuthStateProvider;
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<img class="circle medium" src="https://profiles.cache.lol/@FirstAddress/picture" alt="@FirstAddress" />
<div>Hey, @Name.</div>
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@code {
private string? Name = null;
private List<string> Addresses = new List<string>();
private string FirstAddress { get => this.Addresses.FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
var state = await AuthStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync();
var identity = state.User.Identity;
Name = identity?.Name ?? string.Empty;
Addresses = state.User.FindFirst("addresses")?.Value?.Split(',')?.ToList() ?? new List<string>();
} |