24 lines
19 KiB
24 lines
19 KiB
* Minified by jsDelivr using Terser v5.19.2.
* Original file: /npm/@iframe-resizer/child@5.0.2/index.umd.js
* Do NOT use SRI with dynamically generated files! More information: https://www.jsdelivr.com/using-sri-with-dynamic-files
* @preserve
* @module iframe-resizer/child 5.0.2 (umd) - 2024-05-30
* @license GPL-3.0 for non-commercial use only.
* For commercial use, you must purchase a license from
* https://iframe-resizer.com/pricing
* @desciption Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content
* @author David J. Bradshaw <info@iframe-resizer.com>
* @see {@link https://iframe-resizer.com}
* @copyright (c) 2013 - 2024, David J. Bradshaw. All rights reserved.
!function (e) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : e() }((function () { "use strict"; const e = "5.0.2", t = 10, n = "data-iframe-size", o = (e, t, n, o) => e.addEventListener(t, n, o || !1), i = (e, t, n) => e.removeEventListener(t, n, !1), r = ["<iy><yi>Puchspk Spjluzl Rlf</><iy><iy>", "<iy><yi>Tpzzpun Spjluzl Rlf</><iy><iy>", "Aopz spiyhyf pz hchpshisl dpao ivao Jvttlyjphs huk Vwlu-Zvbyjl spjluzlz.<iy><iy><i>Jvttlyjphs Spjluzl</><iy>Mvy jvttlyjphs bzl, <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> ylxbpylz h svd jvza vul aptl spjluzl mll. Mvy tvyl pumvythapvu cpzpa <b>oaawz://pmyhtl-ylzpgly.jvt/wypjpun</>.<iy><iy><i>Vwlu Zvbyjl Spjluzl</><iy>Pm fvb hyl bzpun aopz spiyhyf pu h uvu-jvttlyjphs vwlu zvbyjl wyvqlja aolu fvb jhu bzl pa mvy myll bukly aol alytz vm aol NWS C3 Spjluzl. Av jvumpyt fvb hjjlwa aolzl alytz, wslhzl zla aol <i>spjluzl</> rlf pu <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> vwapvuz av <i>NWSc3</>.<iy><iy>Mvy tvyl pumvythapvu wslhzl zll: <b>oaawz://pmyhtl-ylzpgly.jvt/nws</>", "<i>NWSc3 Spjluzl Clyzpvu</><iy><iy>Aopz clyzpvu vm <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> pz ilpun bzlk bukly aol alytz vm aol <i>NWS C3</> spjluzl. Aopz spjluzl hssvdz fvb av bzl <p>pmyhtl-ylzpgly</> pu Vwlu Zvbyjl wyvqljaz, iba pa ylxbpylz fvby wyvqlja av il wbispj, wyvcpkl haaypibapvu huk il spjluzlk bukly clyzpvu 3 vy shaly vm aol NUB Nlulyhs Wbispj Spjluzl.<iy><iy>Pm fvb hyl bzpun aopz spiyhyf pu h uvu-vwlu zvbyjl wyvqlja vy dlizpal, fvb dpss ullk av wbyjohzl h svd jvza vul aptl jvttlyjphs spjluzl.<iy><iy>Mvy tvyl pumvythapvu cpzpa <b>oaawz://pmyhtl-ylzpgly.jvt/wypjpun</>."]; Object.fromEntries(["2cgs7fdf4xb", "1c9ctcccr4z", "1q2pc4eebgb", "ueokt0969w", "w2zxchhgqz", "1umuxblj2e5"].map(((e, t) => [e, Math.max(0, t - 1)]))); const a = e => (e => e.replaceAll(/[A-Za-z]/g, (e => String.fromCodePoint((e <= "Z" ? 90 : 122) >= (e = e.codePointAt(0) + 19) ? e : e - 26))))(r[e]), l = { contentVisibilityAuto: !0, opacityProperty: !0, visibilityProperty: !0 }, c = { height: () => (re("Custom height calculation function not defined"), Ie.auto()), width: () => (re("Custom width calculation function not defined"), xe.auto()) }, s = { bodyOffset: 1, bodyScroll: 1, offset: 1, documentElementOffset: 1, documentElementScroll: 1, documentElementBoundingClientRect: 1, max: 1, min: 1, grow: 1, lowestElement: 1 }, u = 128, d = {}, m = "checkVisibility" in window, f = "auto", p = "[iFrameSizer]", h = p.length, y = { max: 1, min: 1, bodyScroll: 1, documentElementScroll: 1 }, g = ["body"], v = "scroll"; let b, w, z = !0, S = "", $ = 0, j = "", E = null, O = "", A = !0, M = !1, C = null, P = !0, T = !1, I = 1, x = f, N = !0, k = "", R = {}, B = !0, q = !1, L = 0, D = !1, H = "", W = "child", F = null, U = !1, V = window.parent, J = "*", Z = 0, Q = !1, X = "", Y = 1, G = v, K = window, _ = () => { re("onMessage function not defined") }, ee = () => { }, te = null, ne = null; const oe = e => "" != `${e}` && void 0 !== e; const ie = (...e) => [`[iframe-resizer][${H}]`, ...e].join(" "), re = (...e) => console?.warn(ie(...e)), ae = (...e) => console?.warn((e => t => window.chrome ? e(t.replaceAll("<br>", "\n").replaceAll("<rb>", "[31;1m").replaceAll("</>", "[m").replaceAll("<b>", "[1m").replaceAll("<i>", "[3m").replaceAll("<u>", "[4m")) : e(t.replaceAll("<br>", "\n").replaceAll(/<[/a-z]+>/gi, "")))(ie)(...e)), le = e => ae(e); function ce() { !function () { try { U = "iframeParentListener" in window.parent } catch (e) { } }(), function () { const e = e => "true" === e, t = k.slice(h).split(":"); H = t[0], $ = void 0 === t[1] ? $ : Number(t[1]), M = void 0 === t[2] ? M : e(t[2]), q = void 0 === t[3] ? q : e(t[3]), z = void 0 === t[6] ? z : e(t[6]), j = t[7], x = void 0 === t[8] ? x : t[8], S = t[9], O = t[10], Z = void 0 === t[11] ? Z : Number(t[11]), R.enable = void 0 !== t[12] && e(t[12]), W = void 0 === t[13] ? W : t[13], G = void 0 === t[14] ? G : t[14], D = void 0 === t[15] ? D : e(t[15]), b = void 0 === t[16] ? b : Number(t[16]), w = void 0 === t[17] ? w : Number(t[17]), A = void 0 === t[18] ? A : e(t[18]), t[19], X = t[20] || X, L = void 0 === t[21] ? L : Number(t[21]) }(), function () { function e() { const e = window.iframeResizer || window.iFrameResizer; _ = e?.onMessage || _, ee = e?.onReady || ee, "number" == typeof e?.offset && (A && (b = e?.offset), M && (w = e?.offset)), J = e?.targetOrigin || J, x = e?.heightCalculationMethod || x, G = e?.widthCalculationMethod || G } function t(e, t) { return "function" == typeof e && (c[t] = e, e = "custom"), e } if (1 === L) return; "iFrameResizer" in window && Object === window.iFrameResizer.constructor && (e(), x = t(x, "height"), G = t(G, "width")) }(), function () { void 0 === j && (j = `${$}px`); se("margin", function (e, t) { t.includes("-") && (re(`Negative CSS value ignored for ${e}`), t = ""); return t }("margin", j)) }(), se("background", S), se("padding", O), function () { const e = document.createElement("div"); e.style.clear = "both", e.style.display = "block", e.style.height = "0", document.body.append(e) }(), function () { const e = e => e.style.setProperty("height", "auto", "important"); e(document.documentElement), e(document.body) }(), L < 0 ? le(`${a(L + 2)}${a(2)}`) : X.codePointAt(0) > 4 || L < 2 && le(a(3)), function () { if (!X || "" === X || "false" === X) return void ae("<rb>Legacy version detected on parent page</>\n\nDetected legacy version of parent page script. It is recommended to update the parent page to use <b>@iframe-resizer/parent</>.\n\nSee <u>https://iframe-resizer.com/setup/<u> for more details.\n"); X !== e && ae(`<rb>Version mismatch</>\n\nThe parent and child pages are running different versions of <i>iframe resizer</>.\n\nParent page: ${X} - Child page: ${e}.\n`) }(), pe(), he(), function () { let e = !1; const t = t => document.querySelectorAll(`[${t}]`).forEach((o => { e = !0, o.removeAttribute(t), o.setAttribute(n, null) })); t("data-iframe-height"), t("data-iframe-width"), e && ae("<rb>Deprecated Attributes</>\n \nThe <b>data-iframe-height</> and <b>data-iframe-width</> attributes have been deprecated and replaced with the single <b>data-iframe-size</> attribute. Use of the old attributes will be removed in a future version of <i>iframe-resizer</>.") }(), document.querySelectorAll(`[${n}]`).length > 0 && ("auto" === x && (x = "autoOverflow"), "auto" === G && (G = "autoOverflow")), me(), function () { if (1 === L) return; K.parentIframe = Object.freeze({ autoResize: e => (!0 === e && !1 === z ? (z = !0, ye()) : !1 === e && !0 === z && (z = !1, de("remove"), F?.disconnect(), E?.disconnect()), Le(0, 0, "autoResize", JSON.stringify(z)), z), close() { Le(0, 0, "close") }, getId: () => H, getPageInfo(e) { if ("function" == typeof e) return te = e, Le(0, 0, "pageInfo"), void ae("<rb>Deprecated Method</>\n \nThe <b>getPageInfo()</> method has been deprecated and replaced with <b>getParentProperties()</>. Use of this method will be removed in a future version of <i>iframe-resizer</>.\n"); te = null, Le(0, 0, "pageInfoStop") }, getParentProperties(e) { if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("parentIFrame.getParentProperties(callback) callback not a function"); return ne = e, Le(0, 0, "parentInfo"), () => { ne = null, Le(0, 0, "parentInfoStop") } }, moveToAnchor(e) { R.findTarget(e) }, reset() { qe() }, scrollTo(e, t) { Le(t, e, "scrollTo") }, scrollToOffset(e, t) { Le(t, e, "scrollToOffset") }, sendMessage(e, t) { Le(0, 0, "message", JSON.stringify(e), t) }, setHeightCalculationMethod(e) { x = e, pe() }, setWidthCalculationMethod(e) { G = e, he() }, setTargetOrigin(e) { J = e }, resize(e, t) { ke("size", `parentIFrame.size(${`${e || ""}${t ? `,${t}` : ""}`})`, e, t) }, size(e, t) { ae("<rb>Deprecated Method</>\n \nThe <b>size()</> method has been deprecated and replaced with <b>resize()</>. Use of this method will be removed in a future version of <i>iframe-resizer</>.\n"), this.resize(e, t) } }), K.parentIFrame = K.parentIframe }(), function () { if (!0 !== D) return; function e(e) { Le(0, 0, e.type, `${e.screenY}:${e.screenX}`) } function t(t, n) { o(window.document, t, e) } t("mouseenter"), t("mouseleave") }(), ye(), R = function () { const e = () => ({ x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: document.documentElement.scrollTop }); function n(n) { const o = n.getBoundingClientRect(), i = e(); return { x: parseInt(o.left, t) + parseInt(i.x, t), y: parseInt(o.top, t) + parseInt(i.y, t) } } function i(e) { function t(e) { const t = n(e); Le(t.y, t.x, "scrollToOffset") } const o = e.split("#")[1] || e, i = decodeURIComponent(o), r = document.getElementById(i) || document.getElementsByName(i)[0]; void 0 === r ? Le(0, 0, "inPageLink", `#${o}`) : t(r) } function r() { const { hash: e, href: t } = window.location; "" !== e && "#" !== e && i(t) } function a() { function e(e) { function t(e) { e.preventDefault(), i(this.getAttribute("href")) } "#" !== e.getAttribute("href") && o(e, "click", t) } document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]').forEach(e) } function l() { o(window, "hashchange", r) } function c() { setTimeout(r, u) } function s() { a(), l(), c() } R.enable && (1 === L ? ae("In page linking requires a Professional or Business license. Please see https://iframe-resizer.com/pricing for more details.") : s()); return { findTarget: i } }(), ke("init", "Init message from host page", void 0, void 0, e), ee(), B = !1 } function se(e, t) { void 0 !== t && "" !== t && "null" !== t && document.body.style.setProperty(e, t) } function ue(e) { ({ add(t) { function n() { ke(e.eventName, e.eventType) } d[t] = n, o(window, t, n, { passive: !0 }) }, remove(e) { const t = d[e]; delete d[e], i(window, e, t) } })[e.method](e.eventName) } function de(e) { ue({ method: e, eventType: "After Print", eventName: "afterprint" }), ue({ method: e, eventType: "Before Print", eventName: "beforeprint" }), ue({ method: e, eventType: "Ready State Change", eventName: "readystatechange" }) } function me() { const e = document.querySelectorAll(`[${n}]`); T = e.length > 0, C = T ? e : Oe(document)() } function fe(e, t, n, o) { return t !== e && (e in n || (re(`${e} is not a valid option for ${o}CalculationMethod.`), e = t), e in s && ae(`<rb>Deprecated ${o}CalculationMethod (${e})</>\n\nThis version of <i>iframe-resizer</> can auto detect the most suitable ${o} calculation method. It is recommended that you remove this option.`)), e } function pe() { x = fe(x, f, Ie, "height") } function he() { G = fe(G, v, xe, "width") } function ye() { !0 === z && (de("add"), E = function () { function e(e) { e.forEach($e), me() } function t() { const t = new window.MutationObserver(e), n = document.querySelector("body"), o = { attributes: !1, attributeOldValue: !1, characterData: !1, characterDataOldValue: !1, childList: !0, subtree: !0 }; return t.observe(n, o), t } const n = t(); return { disconnect() { n.disconnect() } } }(), F = new ResizeObserver(ve), Se(window.document)) } let ge; function ve(e) { if (!Array.isArray(e) || 0 === e.length) return; const t = e[0].target; ge = () => ke("resizeObserver", `Resize Observed: ${function (e) { switch (!0) { case !oe(e): return ""; case oe(e.id): return `${e.nodeName.toUpperCase()}#${e.id}`; case oe(e.name): return `${e.nodeName.toUpperCase()} (${e.name})`; default: return e.nodeName.toUpperCase() + (oe(e.className) ? `.${e.className}` : "") } }(t)}`), setTimeout((() => { ge && ge(), ge = void 0 }), 0) } const be = e => { const t = getComputedStyle(e); return "" !== t?.position && "static" !== t?.position }, we = () => [...Oe(document)()].filter(be); function ze(e) { e && F.observe(e) } function Se(e) { [...we(), ...g.flatMap((t => e.querySelector(t)))].forEach(ze) } function $e(e) { "childList" === e.type && Se(e.target) } function je(e) { const t = (n = e).charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n.slice(1); var n; let o, i = 0, r = C.length, a = 0, c = performance.now(); C.forEach((t => { T || !m || t.checkVisibility(l) ? (i = t.getBoundingClientRect()[e] + parseFloat(getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(`margin-${e}`)), i > a && (a = i, o = t)) : r -= 1 })), c = performance.now() - c; const s = `\nParsed ${r} element${r = ""} in ${c.toPrecision(3)}ms\n${t} ${T ? "tagged " : ""}element found at: ${a}px\nPosition calculated from HTML element: ${function (e) { const t = e?.outerHTML?.toString(); return t ? t.length < 30 ? t : `${t.slice(0, 30).replaceAll("\n", " ")}...` : e }(o)}`; return c < 1.1 || B || T || ae(`<rb>Performance Warning</>\n\nCalculating the page size took an excessive amount of time. To improve performance add the <b>data-iframe-size</> attribute to the ${e} most element on the page.\n${s}`), a } const Ee = e => [e.bodyOffset(), e.bodyScroll(), e.documentElementOffset(), e.documentElementScroll(), e.documentElementBoundingClientRect()], Oe = e => () => e.querySelectorAll("* :not(head):not(meta):not(base):not(title):not(script):not(link):not(style):not(map):not(area):not(option):not(optgroup):not(template):not(track):not(wbr):not(nobr)"); let Ae = !1; function Me({ ceilBoundingSize: e, dimension: t, getDimension: n, isHeight: o, scrollSize: i }) { if (!Ae) return Ae = !0, n.taggedElement(); const r = o ? "bottom" : "right"; return ae(`<rb>Detected content overflowing html element</>\n \nThis causes <i>iframe-resizer</> to fall back to checking the position of every element on the page in order to calculate the correct dimensions of the iframe. Inspecting the size, ${r} margin, and position of every visible HTML element will have a performance impact on more complex pages. \n\nTo fix this issue, and remove this warning, you can either ensure the content of the page does not overflow the <b><HTML></> element or alternatively you can add the attribute <b>data-iframe-size</> to the elements on the page that you want <i>iframe-resizer</> to use when calculating the dimensions of the iframe. \n \nWhen present the <i>${r} margin of the ${o ? "lowest" : "right most"} element</> with a <b>data-iframe-size</> attribute will be used to set the ${t} of the iframe.\n \n(Page size: ${i} > document size: ${e})`), o ? x = "autoOverflow" : G = "autoOverflow", n.taggedElement() } const Ce = { height: 0, width: 0 }, Pe = { height: 0, width: 0 }; function Te(e, t) { function n() { return Pe[i] = r, Ce[i] = c, r } const o = e === Ie, i = o ? "height" : "width", r = e.documentElementBoundingClientRect(), a = Math.ceil(r), l = Math.floor(r), c = (e => e.documentElementScroll() + Math.max(0, e.getOffset()))(e); switch (!0) { case !e.enabled(): return c; case !t && 0 === Pe[i] && 0 === Ce[i]: if (e.taggedElement(!0) <= a) return n(); break; case Q && r === Pe[i] && c === Ce[i]: return Math.max(r, c); case 0 === r: return c; case !t && r !== Pe[i] && c <= Ce[i]: return n(); case !o: return t ? e.taggedElement() : Me({ ceilBoundingSize: a, dimension: i, getDimension: e, isHeight: o, scrollSize: c }); case !t && r < Pe[i]: case c === l || c === a: case r > c: return n(); case !t: return Me({ ceilBoundingSize: a, dimension: i, getDimension: e, isHeight: o, scrollSize: c }) }return Math.max(e.taggedElement(), n()) } const Ie = { enabled: () => A, getOffset: () => b, type: "height", auto: () => Te(Ie, !1), autoOverflow: () => Te(Ie, !0), bodyOffset: () => { const { body: e } = document, n = getComputedStyle(e); return e.offsetHeight + parseInt(n.marginTop, t) + parseInt(n.marginBottom, t) }, bodyScroll: () => document.body.scrollHeight, offset: () => Ie.bodyOffset(), custom: () => c.height(), documentElementOffset: () => document.documentElement.offsetHeight, documentElementScroll: () => document.documentElement.scrollHeight, documentElementBoundingClientRect: () => document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().bottom, max: () => Math.max(...Ee(Ie)), min: () => Math.min(...Ee(Ie)), grow: () => Ie.max(), lowestElement: () => je("bottom"), taggedElement: () => je("bottom") }, xe = { enabled: () => M, getOffset: () => w, type: "width", auto: () => Te(xe, !1), autoOverflow: () => Te(xe, !0), bodyScroll: () => document.body.scrollWidth, bodyOffset: () => document.body.offsetWidth, custom: () => c.width(), documentElementScroll: () => document.documentElement.scrollWidth, documentElementOffset: () => document.documentElement.offsetWidth, documentElementBoundingClientRect: () => document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().right, max: () => Math.max(...Ee(xe)), min: () => Math.min(...Ee(xe)), rightMostElement: () => je("right"), scroll: () => Math.max(xe.bodyScroll(), xe.documentElementScroll()), taggedElement: () => je("right") }; function Ne(e, t, n, o, i) { let r, a; !function () { const e = (e, t) => !(Math.abs(e - t) <= Z); return r = void 0 === n ? Ie[x]() : n, a = void 0 === o ? xe[G]() : o, A && e(I, r) || M && e(Y, a) }() && "init" !== e ? !(e in { init: 1, size: 1 }) && (A && x in y || M && G in y) && qe() : (Re(), I = r, Y = a, Le(I, Y, e, i)) } function ke(e, t, n, o, i) { document.hidden || Ne(e, 0, n, o, i) } function Re() { Q || (Q = !0, requestAnimationFrame((() => { Q = !1 }))) } function Be(e) { I = Ie[x](), Y = xe[G](), Le(I, Y, e) } function qe(e) { const t = x; x = f, Re(), Be("reset"), x = t } function Le(e, t, n, o, i) { L < 0 || (void 0 !== i || (i = J), function () { const r = `${H}:${`${e + (b || 0)}:${t + (w || 0)}`}:${n}${void 0 === o ? "" : `:${o}`}`; U ? window.parent.iframeParentListener(p + r) : V.postMessage(p + r, i) }()) } function De(e) { const t = { init: function () { k = e.data, V = e.source, ce(), P = !1, setTimeout((() => { N = !1 }), u) }, reset() { N || Be("resetPage") }, resize() { ke("resizeParent") }, moveToAnchor() { R.findTarget(o()) }, inPageLink() { this.moveToAnchor() }, pageInfo() { const e = o(); te ? te(JSON.parse(e)) : Le(0, 0, "pageInfoStop") }, parentInfo() { const e = o(); ne ? ne(Object.freeze(JSON.parse(e))) : Le(0, 0, "parentInfoStop") }, message() { const e = o(); _(JSON.parse(e)) } }, n = () => e.data.split("]")[1].split(":")[0], o = () => e.data.slice(e.data.indexOf(":") + 1), i = () => "iframeResize" in window || void 0 !== window.jQuery && "" in window.jQuery.prototype, r = () => e.data.split(":")[2] in { true: 1, false: 1 }; p === `${e.data}`.slice(0, h) && (!1 !== P ? r() && t.init() : function () { const o = n(); o in t ? t[o]() : i() || r() || re(`Unexpected message (${e.data})`) }()) } function He() { "loading" !== document.readyState && window.parent.postMessage("[iFrameResizerChild]Ready", "*") } "undefined" != typeof window && (window.iframeChildListener = e => De({ data: e, sameDomain: !0 }), o(window, "message", De), o(window, "readystatechange", He), He()) })); |