module Menu class << self # Updates and renders a list of options that get passed through. # # +options+ data structure: # [ # { # text: "some string", # on_select: -> (args) { "do some stuff in this lambda" } # } # ] def tick(args, state_key, options, menu_y: 420) args.state.send(state_key).current_option_i ||= 0 args.state.send(state_key).hold_delay ||= 0 menu_state = args.state.send(state_key) labels = [] spacer = mobile? ? 100 : 60 options.each.with_index do |option, i| text = case option.kind when :toggle "#{text(option[:key])}: #{text_for_setting_val(option[:setting_val])}" else text(option[:key]) end label = label( text, x: args.grid.w / 2, y: menu_y + (options.length - i * spacer), align: ALIGN_CENTER, size: SIZE_MD ) label.key = option[:key] label_size = args.gtk.calcstringbox(label.text, label.size_enum) labels << label if menu_state.current_option_i == i if !mobile? || (mobile? && args.inputs.controller_one.connected) args.outputs.solids << { x: label.x - (label_size[0] / 1.4) - 24 + (Math.sin(args.state.tick_count / 8) * 4), y: label.y - 22, w: 16, h: 16, }.merge(WHITE) end end end labels.each do |l| button_border = { w: 340, h: 80, x: l.x - 170, y: l.y - 55 }.merge(WHITE) if mobile? args.outputs.borders << button_border end if args.inputs.mouse.up && args.inputs.mouse.inside_rect?(button_border) o = options.find { |o| o[:key] == l[:key] }, :menu) o[:on_select].call(args) if o end end args.outputs.labels << labels move = nil if args.inputs.down move = :down elsif args.inputs.up move = :up else menu_state.hold_delay = 0 end if move menu_state.hold_delay -= 1 if menu_state.hold_delay <= 0, :menu) index = menu_state.current_option_i if move == :up index -= 1 else index += 1 end if index < 0 index = options.length - 1 elsif index > options.length - 1 index = 0 end menu_state.current_option_i = index menu_state.hold_delay = 10 end end if Input.pressed?(args, :primary), :select) options[menu_state.current_option_i][:on_select].call(args) end end def text_for_setting_val(val) case val when true text(:on) when false text(:off) else val end end end end