module Scene class << self def tick_cube_tube(args) tick_gameplay(args) ||= args end end end class BlockTubeGame def initialize args @args = args @blocksize = 30 @grid_w = 10 @grid_h = 20 @grid_x = (720 - (@grid_w * @blocksize)) / 2 @grid_y = ((1280 - (@grid_h * @blocksize)) / 2) + 150 @next_piece_box = [-1, -9, 7, 7] @color_index = [ [000, 000, 000], [255, 000, 000], [000, 255, 000], [000, 000, 255], [255, 255, 000], [000, 255, 255], [255, 000, 255], [255, 127, 000], [127, 127, 127], ] @sprite_index = [ "sprites/square/black.png", "sprites/square/red.png", "sprites/square/green.png", "sprites/square/blue.png", "sprites/square/yellow.png", "sprites/square/indigo.png", "sprites/square/violet.png", "sprites/square/orange.png", "sprites/square/gray.png", ] @grid = [] @lines = 0 @level = 0 @current_speed = 0 @next_move = 0 @gameover = false @showgameover = false @current_piece_x = 0 @current_piece_y = 0 @current_piece = nil @next_piece = nil @lines_to_clear = [] @line_clear_timer = 0 reset_game end def reset_game @lines = 0 @level = 9 @current_speed = get_speed @next_move = @current_speed @gameover = false @showgameover = false @current_piece_x = 4 @current_piece_y = -1 @current_piece = nil @next_piece = nil select_next_piece @lines_to_clear = [] @line_clear_timer = 0 for x in 0..@grid_w-1 do @grid[x] = [] for y in 0..@grid_h-1 do @grid[x][y] = 0 end end end def render_grid_border x, y, w, h, color for i in x..(x+w)-1 do render_block i, y, color render_block i, (y + h - 1), color end for i in y..(y+h)-1 do render_block x, i, color render_block (x + w - 1), i, color end end def render_background # draw a solid black background @args.outputs.solids << [ 0, 0, 1280, 1280, *@color_index[0] ] end # x and y are positions in the grid, not pixels def render_block x, y, color @args.outputs.sprites << [ (1280 - @grid_y) - (y * @blocksize), @grid_x + (x * @blocksize), @blocksize, @blocksize, @sprite_index[color] ] end def render_grid render_grid_border -1, -1, @grid_w + 2, @grid_h + 2, 8 for x in 0..@grid_w-1 do for y in 0..@grid_h-1 do render_block x, y, @grid[x][y] if @grid[x][y] != 0 && (!@lines_to_clear.include?(y) || (@line_clear_timer % 14) < 7) end end end def render_piece piece, piece_x, piece_y for x in 0..piece.length-1 do for y in 0..piece[x].length-1 do render_block piece_x + x, piece_y + y, piece[x][y] if piece[x][y] != 0 end end end def render_current_piece render_piece @current_piece, @current_piece_x, @current_piece_y if @line_clear_timer <= 0 end def render_next_piece next_piece = @line_clear_timer <= 0 ? @next_piece : @current_piece render_grid_border *@next_piece_box, 8 centerx = (@next_piece_box[2] - next_piece.length) / 2 centery = (@next_piece_box[3] - next_piece[0].length) / 2 render_piece next_piece, @next_piece_box[0] + centerx, @next_piece_box[1] + centery @args.outputs.labels << [ 892, 431, "Next piece", 10, 255, 255, 255, 255 ] end def render_score @args.outputs.labels << [ 200, 600, "Lines: #{@lines}", 10, 255, 255, 255, 255 ] @args.outputs.labels << [ 400, 600, "Level: #{@level}", 10, 255, 255, 255, 255 ] @args.outputs.labels << [ 400, 563, "(Speed: #{(1/(@current_speed/60)).round 2} L/s)", 0.1, 255, 255, 255, 255 ] end def render_gameover @args.outputs.solids << [ 0, 245, 1280, 200, 0, 0, 0, 255] @args.outputs.labels << [ 200, 450, "GAME OVER", 100, 255, 255, 255, 255 ] end def render render_background render_next_piece render_current_piece render_grid render_score render_gameover if @showgameover end def current_piece_colliding for x in 0..@current_piece.length-1 do for y in 0..@current_piece[x].length-1 do if (@current_piece[x][y] != 0) && ((@current_piece_y + y >= @grid_h) || ((@current_piece_y + y) >= 0 && @grid[@current_piece_x + x][@current_piece_y + y] != 0 )) return true end end end return false end def get_speed return case @level when 0 then 53 when 1 then 49 when 2 then 45 when 3 then 41 when 4 then 37 when 5 then 33 when 6 then 28 when 7 then 22 when 8 then 17 when 9 then 11 when 10 then 10 when 11 then 9 when 12 then 8 when 13 then 7 when 14 then 6 when 15 then 6 when 16 then 5 when 17 then 5 when 18 then 4 when 19 then 4 when 20 then 3 else 3 end end def plant_current_piece rows_to_check = [] for x in 0..@current_piece.length-1 do for y in 0..@current_piece[x].length-1 do if @current_piece[x][y] != 0 col = @current_piece_x + x row = @current_piece_y + y @grid[col][row] = @current_piece[x][y] rows_to_check << row if !rows_to_check.include? row end end end @lines_to_clear = [] # see if any rows need to be cleared out for y in 0..@grid_h-1 full = true for x in 0..@grid_w-1 if @grid[x][y] == 0 full = false break end end if full # no empty space in the row @lines_to_clear.push y @lines += 1 @level += 1 if (@lines%10).floor == 0 @line_clear_timer = 70 end end select_next_piece if @lines_to_clear.empty? if current_piece_colliding @gameover = true end else @current_speed = get_speed end @next_move = @current_speed + 2 end def select_next_piece @current_piece = @next_piece @current_piece_x = 4 @current_piece_y = -1 r = (rand 7) + 1 @next_piece = case r when 1 then [ [r, 0], [r, r], [0, r]] when 2 then [ [0, r], [r, r], [r, 0]] when 3 then [ [r, r, r], [r, 0, 0]] when 4 then [ [r, r], [r, r] ] when 5 then [ [r], [r], [r], [r]] when 6 then [ [r, 0], [r, r], [r, 0]] when 7 then [ [r, 0, 0], [r, r, r]] end select_next_piece if @current_piece == nil end def rotate_current_piece_left @current_piece = if(@current_piece_x + @current_piece.length) >= @grid_w @current_piece_x = @grid_w - @current_piece.length end end def rotate_current_piece_right @current_piece = @current_piece = @current_piece = end def fill_grid b = false for y in 0..@grid_h-1 do for x in 0..@grid_w-1 do if @grid[x][y] == 0 @grid[x][y] = (rand 7) + 1 b = true end end return if b end @showgameover = true end def restart_game reset_game end def iterate # check input first k = @args.inputs.keyboard c = @args.inputs.controller_one if @gameover if @showgameover if || k.key_down.enter || c.key_down.start restart_game end else fill_grid end return end if @line_clear_timer > 0 @line_clear_timer -= 1 if @line_clear_timer == 0 for y in @lines_to_clear for i in y.downto(1) do for j in 0..@grid_w-1 @grid[j][i] = @grid[j][i-1] end end for i in 0..@grid_w-1 @grid[i][0] = 0 end end @lines_to_clear = [] end return end if k.key_down.down || k.key_down.s || c.key_down.down if @current_piece_x > 0 @current_piece_x -= 1 if current_piece_colliding @current_piece_x += 1 end end end if k.key_down.up || k.key_down.w || c.key_down.up if (@current_piece_x + @current_piece.length) < @grid_w @current_piece_x += 1 if current_piece_colliding @current_piece_x -= 1 end end end if k.key_down.left || k.key_held.left || k.key_down.a || k.key_held.a || c.key_down.left || c.key_held.left @next_move -= @current_speed / 3 end if k.key_down.q || c.key_down.a rotate_current_piece_left end if k.key_down.e || c.key_down.b rotate_current_piece_right end @next_move -= 1 if @next_move <= 0 @next_move = @current_speed @current_piece_y += 1 if current_piece_colliding @current_piece_y -= 1 plant_current_piece end end end def tick iterate render end end