I’d love to see an IM program for jailbroken iPhones with QuickReply support like BiteSMS or MobileNotifier.
On my PC, I use digsby for IM, and it’s great for the different protocols I’m signed up for (WLM, Facebook, etc). And one thing I really like is the unobtrusive pop ups when you get a message. In the popup itself there’s a text box so you can reply to the message without bringing up the full conversation window and disrupting your workflow. I think that the iOS one-full-screen-app-at-a-time environment could benefit from a similar approach.
I think I read something about MobileNotifier’s Quick Reply being open to developers? It would be awesome.
Just open up your IM app and sign in, then go play games or do anything else on your phone and when someone says something, the unobtrusive bar appears at the top. For me, it would be great if in that box was the sender’s name and display pic, and the first X number of characters of their message. Tapping the bar brings up the quick reply box with the full message text (scrollable if really necessary) and a text box to input your reply. To make it even more awesome, borrow some ideas from biteSMS like the pulldown with conversation history and templates/smileys available right from the quick reply box.
Better still if it could integrate with existing IM apps, like imo.
If I had a Mac, I’d try playing with the idea, but I’d probably get stuck at the IM bit, without even touching an OS-integrates quick reply component…