I have over 15 years experience delivering software projects, in a variety of industries, from ideas and discovery right through to deployment and maintenance.
I love solving problems, partiularly from a user perspective. This leads to a passion for UX/UI design. I'm also profficient in many different front-end and back-end languages and frameworks.
I have a passion for learning, and I'm a great communicator, able to mediate conversations and convey complex topics to make them more understandable.
@@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ title: CV
+ Auslan Level One Expression Australia
Bachelor of Computer Science for Games Technology La Trobe University -
Shopfront Solutions
diff --git a/weblog/CV. Portfolio/CV.06 pathogen-attack.md b/weblog/CV. Portfolio/CV.06 pathogen-attack.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ef7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weblog/CV. Portfolio/CV.06 pathogen-attack.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+image: https://gtac.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Immunology-game-screen-3-publish.png
+title: Pathogen Attack!
+type: page
+tags: CSS, JavaScript, HTML, design
+link: https://gtac.edu.au/students/learning-resources/gtacs-immunology-game/
+summary: An educational game for GTAC exploring the human immune system
+location: /cv.06
+template: cv
+This was a javascript-based online game, built for the Gene Technology Access Centre
+([GTAC](https://gtac.edu.au/)). I was mainly involved in the design phase, as opposed
+to the development, but what a design phase it was!
+The goal of this game was to help teach VCE level students about the human immune
+system through an interactive game. Of course, this meant that the first step was to
+learn all about the human immune system. Over a period of many weeks, there were many
+discussions with the GTAC educators, alongside actual immunology experts, to get a
+handle on which cells play a role in the immune system and their function.
+There was a lot of back and forth, gaining knowledge, assembling it and then
+confirming it with the experts. In the process, I think even the educators learned new
+Afterwards, we had to translate the cells and their processes into game mechanics —
+attacking invading pathogens, recognising pathogens and utilizing the lymphatic nodes
+to produce appropriate T-Cells, sending out different forms of Dendritic Cells and
+acrophages... In the end it became an interesting (and hopefully entertaining)
+real-time strategy game. And I learned a lot about the immune system in the process.
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